
A Discord bot offering powerful moderation for your server!

Why choose this bot?

I've discovered that many popular Discord bots lack certain moderation features, which require another bot or have confusing configuration, such as a .yml file or complicated command syntax. Lightning eliminates these barriers and offers your server the best of both worlds. It's designed to be effortlessly configurable while delivering advanced features at the same time.

  • Multiple mod log formats

  • Customizable AutoMod

  • Mod logs that also work with Discord's Audit Log

  • Multiple mod log channels, allowing for public mod logs as well as private mod logs

No premium or vote locked features!

At this time, there are no premium or vote locked features on the bot.

If you enjoy the bot, consider donating on Ko-Fi so I can keep the bot free!

Open Source!

Lightning is fully open source and you can see all the internals at

Convinced yet?

Add Lightning to your server today by visting the following url!

If you need any support with using the bot, stop by the Discord server!

Last updated