Command List
This list is a work-in-progress. Don't mind the dust!
This guide uses .
as a prefix. Replace this with a prefix you setup Lightning with.
Commands that interact with different APIs
Name | Aliases | Description | Usage |
blacklightning | None | Gives summaries for episodes of Black Lightning. |
blacklightning episode | None | Gives info on a certain episode of Black Lightning |
faq | None | Searches for something in the bot's documentation |
qr | None | Generates a QR code |
rtfm | None | Searches PostgreSQL docs for an entity |
Auto-moderation commands
Name | Aliases | Description | Usage |
automod | None | Commands to configure Lightning's Auto-Moderation |
automod gatekeeper | None | Manages the gatekeeper |
automod ignore | None | Specifies what roles, members, or channels will be ignored by AutoMod by default. |
automod ignored | None | Shows what roles, members, or channels are ignored by AutoMod |
automod rules | None |
| |
automod rules add | None | Adds a new rule to AutoMod. |
automod rules addbasic | None | Adds a new basic rule to AutoMod |
automod rules remove | None | Removes an existing AutoMod rule |
automod unignore | None | Specify roles, members, or channels to remove from AutoMod default ignores. |
automod view | None | Allows you to view the current AutoMod configuration |
automod warnthreshold | None | Manages the threshold for warns |
automod warnthreshold migrate | None | Migrates your server's old warn punishment configuration to the new configuration |
automod warnthreshold remove | None | Removes the current warn threshold |
automod warnthreshold set | None | Sets a threshold for warns |
Server configuration commands
Name | Aliases | Description | Usage |
config | None | Manages most of the configuration for the bot |
config autorole | None | Manages the server's autorole configuration |
config mod-dms |
| Enables or disables DM messages when using a moderation command. |
config modfooter | None | Manages the footer for the messages a member will receive when actioned by a moderation command |
config muterole | None | Handles mute role configuration. |
config muterole reset |
| Deletes the configured mute role. |
config muterole unbind | None | Unbinds the mute role from all users |
config muterole update | None | Updates the permission overwrites of the mute role. |
config permissions | None | Manages user permissions for the bot |
config permissions add | None | Adds a user or a role to a level |
config permissions blockcommand | None | Blocks a command to everyone. |
config permissions commandoverrides | None | Manages configuration for command overrides. |
config permissions commandoverrides add | None | Allows users/roles to run a command |
config permissions commandoverrides changelevel | None | Overrides a command's level |
config permissions commandoverrides removeall | None | Removes all overrides from a command |
config permissions commandoverrides reset | None | Removes all command overrides for this server |
config permissions debug | None | Debugs a member's permissions to use a command. |
config permissions fallback | None | Toggles the fallback permissions feature |
config permissions remove | None | Removes a user or a role from a level |
config permissions reset | None | Resets all permission configuration. |
config permissions show | None | Shows raw permissions |
config permissions unblockcommand | None | Unblocks a command |
config prefix | None | Manages the server's custom prefixes |
Emoji related commands
Name | Aliases | Description | Usage |
charinfo | None | Shows information for a character |
emoji |
| Emoji management commands |
emoji add |
| Adds an emoji to the server |
emoji info | None | Gives some info on an emote. |
Name | Aliases | Description | Usage |
help | None | Shows help about the bot, a command, or a category |
Name | Aliases | Description | Usage |
bmp | None | Converts a .bmp image to .png |
mod | None | Gets console modding information |
mod 3ds |
| Gives information on 3DS modding. |
mod ds |
| Gives information on DS modding |
mod ds flashcard |
| |
mod faq | None | Shows a faq entry for an entity. |
mod switch |
| Gives information on Switch modding |
mod wii | None | Gives information on Nintendo Wii modding |
nintendoupdatealerts |
| Manages the server's configuration for Nintendo console update alerts |
universaldb |
| Searches for homebrew on Universal-DB |
Commands with information about the bot or Discord
Name | Aliases | Description | Usage |
avatar |
| Displays a user's avatar |
copyright |
| Tells you about the copyright license for the bot |
donate | None | Gives you a link to my donation page |
join |
| Gives you a link to add the bot to your server or generates an invite link for a client id. |
permissions | None | Shows channel permissions for a member |
prefix |
| Shows prefixes the bot is listening for |
quote | None | Quotes a message. |
quote raw |
| Shows raw JSON for a message. |
roleinfo | None | Gives information for a role |
serverinfo |
| Shows information about the server |
source | None | Gives a link to the source code for a command. |
support | None | Sends an invite that goes to the support server |
topic | None | Quotes a channel's topic |
userinfo |
| Gives information about a member or a user |
Infraction related commands
Name | Aliases | Description | Usage |
delwarn | None | Marks a warning as inactive. |
infraction |
| Commands to manage the server's infractions |
infraction claim | None | Claims responsibility for an infraction |
infraction delete |
| Deletes an infraction |
infraction edit | None | Edits the reason for an infraction by its ID |
infraction export | None | Exports the server's infractions to a JSON |
infraction list | None | Lists infractions that were done in the server with optional filter(s) |
infraction pardon | None | Pardons an infraction |
infraction stats | None | Shows some stats about this guild's infractions |
infraction transfer | None | Transfers a user's infractions to another user |
infraction view | None | Views an infraction |
mywarns | None | Shows your warnings in this server |
Mod logging
Name | Aliases | Description | Usage |
modlog | None | Sets up mod logging for a channel |
Moderation and server management commands.
Name | Aliases | Description | Usage |
ban | None | Bans a user from the server |
bandel | None | Bans a user from the server and deletes 1 day worth of messages. |
clean | None | Cleans the bot's messages from the channel specified. |
dehoist | None | Dehoists members with an optional specified character in the beginning of their name |
kick | None | Kicks a user from the server |
lock |
| Locks down the channel mentioned. |
lock thread | None |
| |
massban | None | Mass bans users from the server |
mute | None | Permanently mutes a user |
normalize | None | Transliterates a member's name into ASCII |
purge | None | Purges messages that meet a certain criteria |
timeban |
| Bans a user for a specified amount of time. |
timemute |
| Mutes a user for a specified amount of time. |
timeout | None | Timeout a member |
unban | None | Unbans a user |
unlock | None | Unlocks the channel mentioned. |
unmute | None | Unmutes a user |
untimeout | None | Removes a member from time out |
warn | None | Warns a member |
Commands that remind you something
Name | Aliases | Description | Usage |
remind |
| Reminds you of something after a certain date. |
remind clear | None | Clears all of your reminders |
remind delete |
| Deletes a reminder you own by its ID. |
remind edit | None | Edits a reminder you own |
remind list | None | Shows up to 25 of your reminders |
timezone | None | Commands to manage your timezone in the bot |
timezone get | None | Shows your configured timezone |
timezone remove | None | Removes your configured timezone |
timezone set | None | Sets your timezone in the bot |
Name | Aliases | Description | Usage |
reportsetup | None | Configure the message report feature |
Role based commands
Name | Aliases | Description | Usage |
rolemembers | None | Lists members that have a certain role |
togglerole | None | Toggles a role that this server has setup. |
togglerole add | None | Adds a role to the list of toggleable roles for members |
togglerole buttons | None | Sets up role buttons |
togglerole delete |
| Removes a role from the toggleable role list |
togglerole list | None | Lists all the self-assignable roles this server has |
togglerole purge | None | Deletes all the toggleable roles you have set in this server |
Statistics related commands
Name | Aliases | Description | Usage |
about | None | Gives information about the bot. |
ping | None | Tells you the ping. |
stats | None | Sends stats about which commands are used often in the guild |
stats auditlog |
| Shows command stats for the server through a table. |
Commands that might be helpful
Name | Aliases | Description | Usage |
archive | None | An advanced message archive command |
poll | None | Creates a simple poll with thumbs up, thumbs down, and shrug as a Discord poll. |
rpoll | None | Creates a simple reaction poll with thumbs up, thumbs down, and shrug as reactions |
snowflake | None | Tells you when a snowflake(s) was created |
Last updated